It's been a while since my last post here. I am looking back to some turbulent weeks and months filled with some issues but also positive things. Honestly, I don't need 2020 again.
Besides all the challenges I know that I am still blessed. Most of them were 1st-world problems. Some others were serious. But I am healthy, mentally and physically, I am surrounded by wonderful people, family friends, former colleagues, and many others. I consider this as a blessing, many people are not so lucky.
The most important topic besides avoiding the virus and working on some Time4Hires projects was finding my next mission.
Hunting the next mission...
It was a very valuable experience in many ways. I met a lot of amazing people (most virtually), had fascinating talks and was able to see our recruiting world from the other side of the table.
And, Boy, this was eye-opening again. I looked into many opportunities - surprisingly many companies are looking for TA professionals in these days. I took the whole package and experienced everything: from being discriminated (because of my dramatic age of 50+) up to talks with outstanding, inspired and inspiring recruiting professionals was everything there.
Some observations...
The good news: From the technology perspective I never had a negative experience. Most of the companies offer at least an average experience. Nobody offered sth. that prevents me from submitting my profile.
Communication was also mostly positive. Only two companies "ghosted" - means never reacted in any form after sending a confirmation mail (both are well-known brands, defining themselves as "leading". If they read this: no, you are not - at least in recruitment).
In one promising process I was rejected because of my communication style. They looked into the review comments I made in my Straumann role at kununu and Glassdoor and decided that it is not matching with their culture (too personal). I agreed and told them that I am not willing to change this because I believe in it. Game over - thank god.
Networks remain key. The best things were coming through my network. Thank you, people, you are amazing!
What else? Some companies are paying TA roles ridiculously low. I am not speaking about a salary gap between Switzerland and the rest of Europe (which definitely exists: as a Swiss-based applicant it's a challenge not to be sorted out alone because of your postal address). I am speaking about how the topic is rated in the companies. Obviously, many companies think that this incredibly important work is not worth much money.
If you pay peanuts you will end up with monkeys...
My message for these companies: Sorry, folks, obviously you missed the call. You are hunting a pink squirrel but you are willing to pay a rat. Finally, you get what you pay for. Period.
Today recruitment is a highly complex, extremely challenging function for top-skilled professionals. It is no Junior HR role as it is advertised often in JobAds. Recruiters and HR people are two different members of the HR family. Each has its own specific profile and character. They are relatives but not twins. If you don't get that you will lose.
I know, you guys believe in the stuff you read in the latest mailing of agencies that are offering their recruiting services for more or less nothing. If this is what you want to have in your recruiting: Book them, you won't get the job done cheaper.
If you want to have a sustainable, efficient, and successful recruiting function you have to handle it as an investment.
Sorry, but I had to let this out because it made me angry. ;-)
Governmental offerings? The RAV experience.
Difficult topic. I also started my process with the offerings of the Swiss Government, the RAV. The contact with my responsible "Personalberater" was quite positive. A super-friendly and helpful person who did her best to support me. But the rest: a nightmare. I am a little Geek so I am more than willing to make use of all digital offerings they have. I gave up after a short while, I am still struggling with the bureaucracy and I guess someone who is not so geeky as me will do even faster. Thank god the labor market in Switzerland is not really bad.
But also Job hunters should consider something...
I still love my profession and love most of my colleagues and people working in that industry. Good to have so many great humans in there.
And for all job hunters out there: As I demand from my fellow recruiters and hiring managers to change perspectives and step into the shoes of an applicant, I demand from you the same: Think about what they feel and what their challenges are. Believe me: the last thing every recruiter likes about his or her job is to reject people. It is the pain part of this role.
Even if you are desperate: there is nothing good in shooting out your profile on everything you like, ignoring the fact that your profile is not a good match. This leads to frustration on every side.
Back to me: What's next?
As said, I looked into many things. I was rejected and I refused others. I was discriminated by some and treat very well by others. Finally, we found each other: My next employer and me. Last Friday I had the final conversation with my next CEO - it was great. I think we found a good connection, as I found it before with my new boss, the Head of HR, my new peers, and most of my new team members. It feels like a very good match and I am burning to start.
I will stay in Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding and I will stay in Switzerland. The rest will change: new working location, new industry, and for the first time in my career I will dig deeper into vocational training. Can't wait to do so. I will start in my new role on Feb 1st, 2021. Taking over a great team and going with them the next steps to grow together. I least I hope so. I will announce the details in January so stay tuned.
Let's master the rest...
For now, I am wishing all of us a peaceful and relaxing end of this "Annus horribilis" that 2020 was for most of us. Celebrate Christmas or whatever you want to celebrate. But do it carefully. And if you are alone during the years and want to chat - feel free to contact me. Happy to chat.
Take care, stay healthy, wear masks, follow the rules and then let's start together into a better 2021 (*knocking on wood three times*)! We will meet again!
Hugs, Love + Happiness!
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash