Neue Erhebung von Oona+ zu Employer Branding aus Schweizer Sicht: Employer Branding Navigator 2024
Das Team von Oona+ hat mit verschiedenen Schweizer Kolleg:innen und auch mir gesprochen, um unsere Sicht auf den Status Quo, die...
Das Team von Oona+ hat mit verschiedenen Schweizer Kolleg:innen und auch mir gesprochen, um unsere Sicht auf den Status Quo, die...
Anlässlich der Schicht im Schacht hatte ich das grosse Vergnügen im HR Data Dudes Podcast von Carl-Christoph Fellinger und Tim Verhoeven...
Obwohl die Altersgruppe der Ü50 schon seit einigen Jahren die zahlenstärkste Gruppe in den DACH Arbeitsmärkten ist, werden sie von vielen...
All the details:
Ich gebe zu, ich leide unter dem schleichenden Tod von #Twitter (oder "X"). Ich bin seit vielen Jahren mehr oder weniger aktiver Nutzer...
Was gibt es Besseres, als mit zwei Experten, die man ewig kennt und sehr schätzt über ein Thema zu fachsimpeln, dass man liebt? Genauso...
Unfortunately, Twitter, or "X", as "Mighty Musk" wants us to call his new acquisition, is becoming increasingly unattractive to me....
Was a pleasure to speak with Anne-Cathrin Becker from Fyltura about my view on the last 20 years in recruiting - no surprise that we...
Auf #MedTech folgt #Finance: Ich freue mich Euch mitzuteilen, dass ich ab 1. Februar zum HR Team der Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) um Marco...
During my career, I participated in probably hundreds of hiring briefings and thousands of job interviews. I always tried to be a service...
It's been a while since my last post here. I am looking back to some turbulent weeks and months filled with some issues but also positive...
Couldn't agree more with what Karyn Mullins, president at MedReps, wrote in her post at ERE Blog: 7 Old Recruiting Strategies To Ditch"....
Fall is the award season of the year. Everywhere shiny cups are handed into the hand of exceptional Employer Branding Experts. Cool!...
I was asked these days about the difference between a recruiter and a sourcer. It´s obviously, I thought, but after all it took me some...
I read a good article on Forbes from career counselor Robin Ryan which I want to share with you. Robin explains how to make the best use...
This post was originally published on LinkedIn on May 29, 2020. This week I was hosting an hour-long online session about...
Jeff Bullas is writing an excellent Marketing Blog where I find many inspirations also for Employer Branding and Recrutiment Marketing....
Some good thoughts from Katherina Kribben on FistfulOfTalent Blog about the automated rejection mails most companies use. The thing is:...
After presenting at Recruiting Convention 2019, Matthias Mäder, Mastermind and Head of Prospective, asked both of us, Curley and me, to...
Disclaimer: This post was originally published on LinkedIn on June, 22nd, 2020 Last week I experienced #Corona from a new perspective:...